by Elise Rhiannon | Feb 3, 2017 | Digital Marketing, Social Media For Business, Social Media Management, Social Media Sydney
Recent data show that only a third of the businesses in the country have an active online presence. One of the reasons why is that some business owners believe that there is no need for them to establish an online presence. High maintenance costs and lack of social...
by Elise Rhiannon | Feb 3, 2017 | Digital Marketing, Facebook, Pinterest, Social Media For Business, Social Media Management, Social Media Sydney, Twitter
As The Huffington Post puts it, social media is a big game changer not only in digital marketing, but in almost everything. Through the best social media channels in 2017, specifically targeting the potential clients is a lot easier. Having said that, choosing the...
by Elise Rhiannon | Dec 18, 2015 | Digital Marketing, Social media articles, Social Media Management
Horse racing has been increasing in popularity especially over social media. The reason behind this can be attributed to the success of online gambling. As a result, several Sydney gambling outlets have integrated their social media services over the internet in an...
by Christine | Feb 4, 2015 | Digital Marketing
The debate continues as to whether digital marketing is compatible or a competition to traditional marketing. Last year expenses for digital marketing increased over 14% while traditional marketing fell nearly 160% the figures made some people think that traditional...