Social media marketing allows us to share information and connect with people from different locations. Organisations have also used social media marketing campaigns to increase the public’s knowledge about sexual health. Here’s a list of best sexual health social media campaigns:
1. Where did you wear it?
With a goal of promoting safe sex, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest marked National Condom Week by launching Where Did You Wear It? The social media campaign targets college-age students and older teens — that is comfortable with social media — to promote healthy sexuality with the tag line “Safe sex happens. Be proud to wear protection.” The condom has a barcode that can be scanned by smartphones to connect to the site. Facebook and Twitter was used to promote this campaign.
2. Chlamydia it’s Down to You!
The prevalence of chlamydia is high in young people in the UK. Chlamydia it’s Down to you! is a social media marketing campaign recognised by National Chlamydia Screening Unit. This campaign incorporates social marketing techniques to form a strong basis of local insight and research and create awareness of chlamydia and the importance of screening.
3. 10 Ways a Condom Can’t Protect You
The 10 Ways a Condom Can’t Protect You social media marketing campaign has been developed by the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health to raise awareness of the best way to be protected from HIV. This campaign won the Sexual health media campaign/storyline of the year award.
4. HIV Hop
The HIV Hop social media campaign has been developed by the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health as a general public awareness campaign to reduce stigma and misconceptions around HIV transmission. The campaign used music video to show the ways HIV cannot be transmitted. The video helps to raise the issue of HIV stigma and evoke discussion on social networks to help break the silence surrounding HIV stigma.
5. Just Carry One
This social media campaign was launched to notify the public about the increase of sexually transmitted infection. This campaign was developed to ensure the message of consistent condom use to younger people. The campaign utilized Facebook and Twitter which include videos, games and competition.
6. Condom No Condom
This is an interactive social media campaign by NHS about condoms and safer sex that allows you to choose your own ending. The series of films received 1.6 million views over two months and had audience clicking through external NHS sites looking for further information around sexual health. This campaign also picked up international press coverage from over 20 publications.
7. Testing Too Easy
Peer-developed HIV and sexually transmissible infections campaigns have been effective in encouraging safer sex behaviour among younger gay men. This peer-led campaign targets young people using social media (YouTube, Facebook and Twitter) to address the barriers preventing many homosexual men from engaging with HIV and STI testing.